Sunday, July 3, 2016

Future Use

     This blog as well as others can be used to keep students updated on assignments, current topics, and get them interested in new topics. A blog can be very helpful when it comes to trying to get students to pay more attention to subjects. Now a days so many people are plugged in and hooked up with computers that if they don't have access to documents online they would be at a loss as to what to do.

     One way I want to use this blog this summer is to post strategies I have found that I want to use in my classroom this fall. I will be teaching in a first grade classroom and I want to be able to keep track of all of the information I find. I'm hoping that by using a blog I will be able to help myself stay organized as well as share my ideas and the ideas I find with other teachers.

     In my classroom I want to make sure I have a blog that I can split up and have a feed for each different subject. I want to be able to post interesting things for my students to learn from and cool videos to watch to keep them interested in whatever topic we are focusing on that week.

     On the English section I want to have a book of the week post and have small posts that branch off into related ideas or topics that the book focuses on. In a math section there will be a simple math problem of the day. There will also be a complicated story problem of the week for the students to try to solve. These problems will involve situations in our classroom with the students' names. On a social studies page there will be a country of the week. There will be a different fact posted each day about the country for students to learn more about the world rather than just our country. There will be a science page that will have simulators posted for dissections, study apps for vocabulary and a multitude of scientific articles from national geographic and other sites about current science topics.

     Using a blog in this method creates choice for the students. You could give them the assignment of picking one thing off of each section of the blog to read/solve/do each night and this lets them decide what is most important to them. If students have a choice in their learning they are more likely to want to do it and partake in activities related to class.

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